"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, And say my glory was I had such friends."
- William Butler Yeats
The bros before hoes policy is one I myself find very difficult to abide by. You know, friends before girlfriends or the men before the women. For me it would have to be either pretty shitty friends or a really terrible girl. If it's a matter where you are sure this girl is a sure thing and you're sure that your friends will still be there, than why not go for the girl. This policy is said to run on loyalty. Loyalty to the ones you hang out with. But I would think that a social life can go beyond a circle of friends.
Maybe the point of this rant is that I find the bros before hoes policy to be selfish. There is a difference between being loyal and being whipped. Unless the girl your with is the one whose got you whipped. That may be when the policy should be used. Otherwise, we love our buddies, dearly but not queerly, but we all need some feminine wiles in our lives.
This has been an incoherent arguement from your modest guru. Thanks for reading.
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