I just had a thought about my blog. About how on nearly every one of my posts I add a quote from a popular source that I probably just read off of wikiquote. I found myself wondering if I came off as sort of idiotic or maybe just pretentious when adding quotes from famous or revered people, rather than coming up with something myself. Now to be fair I am not an extremely intelligent person by any means. I'm more of a fairly intelligent person, who knows right from wrong. That's good enough for me. Also if I ever had a great line that could have been used for a quote than I probably forgot about it two hours after saying it.
Maybe it's just my imagination running, but I still want to clear the air with any of the few readers out there. The reason I use quotes from famous or revered people is because I like having a learned opinion from learned people. Other times, it's just in reference to the particular subject. Also it's because I like quotes, they're fun for some reason. Maybe it's some sad and twisted desire for famous people who have made names for themselves to appear to be agreeing with me? I don't know, but I won't stop adding quotes.
So in closing and in making my point...I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: "By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote."
This has been a little insecure rant from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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