Oh the sadness of Barack Obama's presidency. Oh the horror of the one preceding his own. And the countless bullet holes left in this country's honor left for him to mend. Of course he will not fix everything in a flash, even he has stressed this. There is simply too much shit to clean up. I won't go into too much detail on said shit as I have done that in the last previous posts regarding Barry O'Bama.
But still I must reiterate from previous rants that Obama is expected of quickly doing things far beyond his power and maliciously beaten down by the pathetic half of America. You know, the ones who call him Hitler. The ones who won't shut up during meetings that even seem to be heading toward a liberal viewpoint. The ones who still bitch about his birth certificate. Do you think any of these people would have denied Hawaii as part of these United States before Obama came along?
The point is with this yang country halve and his failure to make everything better with the snap of his fingers, Barry's points are down and dropping. That's bad. So recently, I'm sure in order to appease these fools with far too great expectations, Barack has been announcing his support to continue the war with Afghanistan. Earlier tonight, I watched as he gave another of his masterful speeches to a mass of America's soldiers. It was much better than George W's "Yeah, we goan git em" approach to such a speech. While I am not enthusiastic about this (just don't dig war that much), Obama thankfully did not make this declaration of war or continued war sound like the beginning of the end of everything he stands for and the restoration of our nation but rather the means to an end. An end to the Bush-Cheney Presidency's corrupt conflict. Someone on the Huffington Post commented that Obama seemed to have been choking up while in front of those young men and women in uniform. I might have seen it myself. In his eyes was not quite defeat, but sorrow. He is not far enough into the game to prepare for defeat already. No, this looks more like a smaller form. Something called selling out. Obama is forced to sell out his principles and one of his promises made during his campaign in order to boost his approval ratings and, with the utmost hope, end one of the dirty wars left for him to clean up. Really I think that's all he wants, to finish the war as quickly and cleanly as possible. He'd pursued similar action when ordering the killings of those dangerous pirates and kidnappers. Fast and efficient methods all to get the job done. I don't believe Obama is a man who seeks to continue violence.
I have not lost hope for a bright future for Barack Obama's presidency and, thus, I have not lost hope for a brighter future for America. I think in time he will make a glorious name for himself in history outside of the racial significance. He has the integrity and prowess to become one of the most prominent Presidents this country has ever seen. I hope the people's resentment toward him will only strengthen his resolve and turn him into a better leader at the end of his term and possible second.
This latest development with Afghanistan is not the first step in blotting out Barack Obama's ethics and principles, but hopefully it is the first step in building onto them and the last time he will ever be forced to betray them. He is a good man. It's hard to be a good man in a world as cutthroat as politics.
This has been another report on our current President from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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