People are strange. That's what I think. Moreso than stupid, modern day people are just flat out weird. Now I know you've heard quite enough about Avatar from me, but this you have to hear.
It would seem that apart from the 2009 epic masterpiece Avatar making people happy and fulfilled moviewise, it made them sad and discontent lifewise. Yes, Star Wars didn't quite do it, Michael Jackson's death made it possible, and now Avatar is starting to do it. People are actually so worked up over the movie, so depressed that they couldn't be Na'vi warriors soaring through the skies of Pandora on their very own Ikran, that they are suffering from depression and even suicidal. How does this work. There is such a thing as loving something too much, I'll admit that. There is also such a thing as a movie being just a movie. I kind of feel like that with Lost sometimes, but it's never depressing or making me want to kill myself...Cause then I'd miss more Lost and other things.
Another point of depression was the themes of the movie shed light on modern day issues in politics for some viewers. They just felt like we are going to head down the tubes if we keep doing what we are doing. This I can relate to. The themes of militarism, corporate control, the pursuit of profit by any means necessary, class battles, and corrupt politics as a whole were apparent throughout the film. I saw it but I definitely didn't need Avatar to tell me about it. I have Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart for that. I've known the world of politics, especially America's, has been shitty and leading the world on a downward slope since I was about eight.
Now I love the hell out of movies, and Avatar in particular. Movies make up most of my conversations and thoughts and I'm not at the edge of my bed with a gun in my mouth. I will hate myself for saying this, but in comparison to life movies are not that big a deal. Sure, being in an Avatar-esque world would be cool but you could say the same thing about any number of other movies (unless it's Schindler's List, you might actually have serious problems if that was the case). Let's face it, a movie like Avatar will not be the last of its kind. Seeing it, I knew it was destined to be the beginning in the next stage in filmmaking. We wanna see what will happen in years to come. Not to mention any other great movies that come out. Oh yeah and let's not forget those other things, you know tedious, insignificant little things, music, good books, interactions with other people, dinner at a nice restaurant or even fast food, sunrises and sunsets and snowy winter mornings. Movies make life more fun but they are not essential to living. The only depressing thing about Avatar for me was that it would not be in movie theatres forever (I don't know if it is meant for home viewings). See it again and while you are watching it just enjoy it for what it is.
The victims of this very, very unique form of depression have formed some kind of website or group in which they talk to each other and help each other overcome these feelings. The evolution of communication comes through again. A part of me does find the obsessive and impulsive feelings these people have due to the film to be just that: obsessive and impulsive, and hella stupid. But then another part of me sympathizes and relates to them. I mean, don't lie to yourself, being in that breathtaking world and fighting with those amazing creatures would be amazing. But it just won't happen...maybe for our grandchildren, but not us. For now though, I have the movie and, frankly my dear, that's all I need.
This has been sort of like a Modest PSA from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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