Saturday, April 17, 2010

Past 100

Once upon a time there was a young writer living in an insignificant Indiana town. This writer could not bring himself to writer more than three pages. Feeling books were out of the question, he decided to instead continue honing whatever skills he had as a writer. His first thought was to become an essayist, pretty much because he had just looked up the word on Wikipedia. Rather than begin writing, he went downstairs to brag to his mother about what he was going to do. She wondered if he might want to try a blog on the internet. After some skepticism, he thought it was brilliant. After some trouble starting up the blog (for the writer knew little of computer mechanics), he had his mother set up for him. For anonymities sake, this writer took a name. A name people would remember. A name that was both awkward and sexy at the same time. A name that would inspire people to read so that they could be inspired by other things. He chose this name. Than he realized this name was silly and decided to call himself Your Modest Guru. That was where he began. This is where he is right now.

...too much?

I, Your Modest Guru, am proud to announce I have written over one-hundred posts for this very blog. True it may be one of the most unorganized blogs out there, and true I did basically piggy back my way to 100 posts via Lost related things. On the other hand, I'm the kind of guy who takes what he can get mostly.

For starters what have I talked about during the last 100 entries to my online journal of sorts. Essentially it is a huge web of everything that puzzles me or fascinates or cool stuff I just like to do. I've talked about just about everything I felt was couth. From social commentary to celebrity gossip to political drama to reviews to Lost analysis. As Johnny Cash once said, I've been everywhere, man. With this I've been able to unleash all the thoughts that make me feel angry or happy into creative writing. I've been able to not only talk about but to go into detail of the things that I find especially cool. The blog has become a pretty exciting new development in my daily routine. I went into this not expecting droves of subscribers and followers, but to get what's on my mind out in the open and entertain myself. Knowing that I have done both effectively, I can honestly say it's been a good run.

Thanks for reading and I hope you keep reading. Because I am going to keep writing.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Congrats, Modest Guru, on hitting 100 posts!!! I guess that mother of yours has some good ideas every once in a while!

Keep up the good work!