Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bombings: The Taliban Big Dick Contest

Come on, that's essentially what it is. Ever since 9/11, every Middle Eastern terrorist or Middle East sympathizing terrorist has been trying to make a bigger dent in the American infrastructure or other nations. Of the notable close calls recently have been very elaborate bombing attempts. First there was the guy who tried to activate an explosive weaved into his underwear aboard a plane aka Crotch Bomber. I'm pretty he ended up setting himself on fire or just exposed himself while trying to get the bomb to work, either way the bomb didn't go off and he was arrested. Now we've got the guy who left a car bomb in the middle of Times Square, New York City, but luckily it was also deactivated.

This is just a random thought, but it really does seem like the dark and morbid pissing contest terrorists are in to see which one can create a more destructive terrorist attack. Hate to break it to ya, fellas, but you can't really top flying planes into some of the most iconic things in America. A blown up plane and dead innocent bystanders would be tragic like all hell, but to be honest it is not like people would still be talking about fifty years from now. Ya wanna know what I think, terrorists? Seeing as how the last terrorist attack only ended in a war that rages on to day and has you hiding under every rock in What'sitsnameastan, maybe you should focus less on making further waves. Or you could just surrender. Sadly, I've given up hope on Al Queda or the Taliban or whatever surrendering. The only thing they seem to want to do in a no-win situation is go out guns blazing. Not a good end to this story.

I think the one thing that would really dampen morale on their side would be to find and capture/kill Osama Bin Laden. Seriously, all of our guys are pretty much trudging over the place he is hiding. Though he is most likely moving around, and this sounds mighty primitive and Palin-esque of me, but we should really just find as much information on where he most likely is, get a definite fix and bomb the hell out of it. Civilian lives would be lost, yes, but even more would be killed if the war were to continue on. It's essentially Obama's plan when he shipped all of those soldiers out there: end the war as quickly and efficiently as possible. Or we could just drop Philip Marlowe, Rorschach, Batman, Liam Neeson from Taken, and Nancy Drew into the Middle East and let them find Osama. They seem to be able to find everything else out. That'd do the trick.

But I could be wrong about this whole "Taliban big dick contest." Perhaps these fucked up psychos are simply doing the obvious = trying to kill as many of everyone not them as they can. In which case they can all burn.

I am sorry if some found this post offensive, but really this war has gone on longer than WWII and Vietnam combined so I can't help but mock it or try to make the mood a little lighter.

This has been a rough dose of satire from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading and God Bless Amer--Aw who cares anymore?

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