Friday, August 21, 2009

Michael Vick = Old news

"No man chooses evil because it is evil. He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks." - Mary Wollstonecraft

Okay I'm not doing any build up because everybody knows about this already, football player Michael Vick is responsible for the brutalization, exploitation and killing of several dogs. In fact he was involved in an entire dog fighting ring. Of course he was arrested and released a short time ago, but was refused a spot back on his football team, The Eagles. There has been much debate as to whether or not he should be allowed to play again. I don't see why not, sure he is a horrible man but so was OJ (Okay I know I don't know that for sure but with the recent armed robbery charges he looks pretty bad). Many football fans are probably defending Vick, I don't care. He's still a terrible person, only a horrible person could force dogs to do the most horrific thing and then drown them. Sure it's not like he killed a person, but a dog is still a living creature. And I have to admit a very lovable creature. Seriously a lot of dogs look a lot better than some of the people I know. It's hard to imagine just looking into a dog's big, oblivious eyes and then massacre it.

Apparently, Michael-pussy-puppy-killing-motherfucker-Vick really regrets what he did. Incidentally he feels real bad about it after he was thrown into prison and his career and livelyhood was threatened and not when he was torturing and killing dogs. Should he get his career back? Why not. His animal cruelties are not inspired by football, they are inspired by him being an evil sadistic bastard. I guess tackling people, breaking bones, and running across a field full of people who want to do the same to you for a living is not enough of a rush for Mr. Vick. No killing hapless animals is the real juice. Funny how animal cruelty is an early sign of a serial killer. This guy might just kill somebody someday. Why not give him a bunch of money and a favorable reputation...Well he's never gonna be favorable again.

To end off, you enjoy your freedom, Mr Vick, and maybe another shot at a promising football career. Sure you should probably be further punished and lose a lot more for what you did, but hey that's life! Soak it up, you son of a bitch. I look forward to seeing you in the papers.


This has been a memorable slice of football history from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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