Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obama: American President, gun magnet

Recently, local republicans have shown up at Obama rallies carrying guns. Pistols and, if I'm not mistaken, asssualt rifles. Somehow these men weren't immediately detained or shot, seeing as how the last few times men have came near a President with guns John Kennedy was killed and Ronald Reagan was wounded. These armed men claimed to be carrying the guns with no other reason than the fact that they had a Constitutional right to bear arms. In essence, they are saying that John Wilkes Booth, Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Mark David Chapman were all in the right just seconds before murdering Abraham Lincoln, Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and John Lennon. We got some real patriots in this country. These people came with many others baring signs that proclaim Obama is a racist Nazi... And they have guns. Knock, knock law enforcement. I know it's a shot in the dark, but I get the feeling that these guys may hate Obama. Indeed we do live in strange times, when a black man is arrested in his own home while white men can flash their hardware in front of the greatest power in the country and walk away clean. It's intimidation tactics, a fuckin blind person could see that.

My theory on why these gun toting sheeople were not at least escorted away from the area. I'm guessing it's the doing of conservative law enforcement. I mean, it's not like modern cops don't allow their political views to slip in past the law and corrupt their work. Remember, the kid getting tazed at John Kerry's speech for asking a legitimate but apparently liberal oriented question. "DON'T TAZE ME BRO!" Can anybody really say that they don't see the harm in allowing armed Obama detesters appear when he visits? Will it take a flurry of gunfire thrown at him before authorities do anything? I don't know, but in a world where logic is supposed to be commonplace I would think I would. If we keep this up, this country is gonna be going to hell in a hand basket very soon.

This has been a report of Americans actin a damn fool by Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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