Friday, October 9, 2009

Peace Prizes and HOR Badasses

"The Republican healthcare plan is this: Don't get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly." - Senator Alan Grayson

For the longest time the Democratic party has been called a bunch of pussies. And for the longest time I have agreed. But now, finally, we get one of them who can stand up and tell it as it is. And with a passion to it. I am of course talking about the politically aggravated HOR member Alan Grayson. Anyone in a House of Representatives seat who has the balls to say America doesn't care about you, is a bamf in my blog. In regards to the healthcare reform, the people who do nothing to help get it passed are pissed that healthcare mysteriously hasn't gotten any better and ones who try to help are just as bewildered.

It's true! Republicans, rather than look for new and universally benificial ways to find better healthcare or better anything, really just chant over and over "NO, NO, NO, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!" God and I thought the Bush Era got old quickly. This guy Grayson states very sincerely that the Republican party will contradict everything that The President does, no matter what it is. And the Republicans have confirmed this many many times before.

Transitioning over into a related topic, Barack Obama has also just won the Nobel Peace Prize. I was just as surprised as him. He himself doesn't feel he is comparable to some of the other more inspiring people who have been given the award. But then, I would have to agree with The Nobel Committee that Obama deserves the award for worldwide sense of hope he conveyed during his campaign and is trying to live up to in his presidency. After almost a decade of blood, betrayal and bullshit, here comes along an Illinois Senator who makes us feel that this country can reclaim some of it's honor and rise up again as a respected country in the eyes of people in the distant. So, though we were at first unsure of how to feel about it, Obama and I, I think, have decided that this is a legitimate reason. And by God am I proud. Not even a year in the White House and Barry O'Bama gets a Nobel Peace Prize. What now Bush-Cheney?

Though I must admit, Obama might have to chip off a piece of that prize for Representative Grayson.

This has been some political awesomeness from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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