Friday, October 9, 2009

US Government Presents: No explosions

"Boom!" - Sylar

Hold on a second Sylar, I have to put my far sighted glasses on.


Nope, I can't see that huge explosion everyone was pumped for on the news. No boom.


Hey, now Sylar. Let's not get crazy here. I know you're a psychopath and you're stuck in Parkman's head and all, but...Wait this post isn't about Heroes.

This post is actually about the long awaited LCROSS Lunar Test (hope that's somewhat right) in which a rocket was going to be fired into the Moon. The proposed result was so that we could see if maybe there actually is water on the Moon's surface, thereby giving us hope of one day colonizing the Moon itself. You know, just maybe. But I guess what most little people thought the whole thing was for was to see some kind of massive explosion on the moon. And no, despite what Michael Bay has taught us, big fiery explosions can't happen in space. No oxygen, no fire. Doy. Anywho, if you were expecting some kind of scientific discovery or just plain old "BOOM! HA!" you really are left in the dark as of now. All that really happened was that some dust flew up into the air and that's pretty much it. Of course details may come in later as to what is happening on the surface. But no immediate landmark and no boom.


I told you to be quiet, damn it.

So I take away two things from this little NASA epic fail: One) things don't just happen and patience is a virtue, and two) people are really dumb to think the only merit to be received from a NASA Lunar mission is the result being a huge Michael Bayish explosion.


"BOOM! HA!" I'm sorry I just found that little word effect to be kind of funny.




...Sylar if I tell you where you're body is will you stop doing that?

This has been a report of American activity and anxiety from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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