Thursday, August 26, 2010

The cat's in the bag

"Bitches be crazy." - modern expression

Okay so this is a short little rant about this recent event in which a woman in the UK was caught on a street camera walking along the street, saw a cat perched, and then, just for the hell of it I guess, put the cat into a nearby trash tin and left it there. The cat stayed there for around 15 hours before it was found by its owners.

So I often talk about just how fucking crazy people are in this world. This is one of the simpler examples. No deranged Austrian has to breed a family with his daughter in his basement, no father has to waterboard his child, Lindsey Lohan doesn't have to bawl her eyes out for having to spend a few weeks in jail, no some average ordinary woman can just be minding her business and then all of a sudden just toss a cat into a trash tin. Instant WTF.

This broad goes on to prove she is crazy just by the way she reacted when confronted by the authorities. She apparently didn't know what the big deal was, seeing as how it was just a cat, right? She also didn't know what she was doing was wrong and was just trying to be funny, that's sick enough but we can clearly see she is being as inconspicuous as possible before pushing the cat into the tin. My theory: this chick just wasn't a hunting girl as a kid so honing her homicidal tendacies was out of the picture, so whenever there's a random animal or something around she'll abuse it in some way. I've actually only heard of such a random and unproved act of animal cruelty, namely a cat, in one other place. It was actually in the book In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, where one of the killers apparently enjoyed running down stray cats he saw on the road. For those readers confused, yes, I am comparing this cat bagging British chick to one of the killers from In Cold Blood.

This whole thing is just so stupid. The things people do don't make sense. There was no motive, no logic, no reason behind this random act. Nope, this average ordinary person just knew she could and did it. That is my pet peeve motive. Any violent or terrible action is at least somewhat barable, but when someone does something bad "because they could", that is what I hate the most. After that the person isn't a villain, they aren't even a monster, they are just a douchebag. Fuck you, douchebags. All of you. Fuck you, random cat tosser. Fuck you, Mel Gibson. Fuck you, Jersey Shore cast. This just goes to show how even one of the most insignificant things can inspire wide and deep discussion. It's almost brilliant how much trouble this one woman caused just by getting the idea in her head to toss a cat into a trash tin. Because now I'm here in America talking and tearing my hair out about it. In that aspect, it's kind of an amazing world we live in. I'd think the world was great if people weren't so fucked up all the time.

This has been some ol' bullshit from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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