"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve niether and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
I hate people sometimes. Scratch that. I hate people a lot of times. I'd kill em all if I could. But let's be serious. You aren't here to listen to me talk about my fantasies, you are here to listen to me talk about our reality. What concerns us all. What should concern us all. And what is absolutely, positively, extremely, frustratingly, unethically, disgracefully, immorally, ludicrously, inevitably wrong with our reality sometimes.
What I'm going to talk about is some pretty bad people. I hope I won't sound like I'm pushing some kind of message, because there's nothing I hate more than people talking down to other people. And I don't want to criticize the beliefs of whoever reads my blog. I mean if you're reading my blog, I am thankful as hell and it is much obliged that you give a damn. Anyway, on to the bad guys.
By a message, I meant of course a political message. The people I am talking about are politicians. They are what is called Conservative these days. Liberals and Conservatives, why have these lables. Everybody is a liberal about some things and conservatives about others. Okay screw it, I'm calling them Donkeys and Elephants, and the Independants will be Snails (I saw a mock Party logo that was funny). So being the spawn of two particularly Donkey oriented but outspoken Snail people, I have had my qualms with the Elephant group. But in the past I more often than not have only disagreed with what the Elephants were doing. There is nothing wrong with that, I disagree with plenty of people about plenty of things. I mean as somewhat of a Donkey oriented Snail I too have had problems with The Donkies. But lately the Elephants are just kind of loose cannons. The things they propose and the things they do do not sit well with me. Take this Angle woman, a new Elephant oriented politician that has hit the scene. She seems to be urging the integration between church and state, which goes against old constitutional rules. Some have talked of making so that American workers cannot retire until they are at age 70. That's ten more years for grandpa. Then there is talk of changing the 14th Amendment and making it so the children of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, cannot have US citizenship if they are in fact born in the United States. So it's not enough that we are going after the adults, or at least the illegal adults who are in fact guilty (though their intentions are understandable), but now we have to go after the children. Isn't that kind of, uh, heartless? WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!? They are even talking about internment camps for immigrants. Because if barbed wire fences and a tent for the whole family doesn't scream American Dream I don't know what does. I don't wanna tell the Elephants how to do their job but if I could I'd say "Think of the people. Think of the children."
The other people I wanna talk about are far worst. They take religion, one of the most influential things in the world, something that is supposed to be good and inspiring, and turn it into something ugly. I am of course talking about the horror of humanity The Westboro Baptist Church. No one else is as hate mongering, infuriating, revolting, and absolutely inhuman. They are the KKK without the white suits, or at least they're gonna be. The brain child behind this cheery congregation of cunts is a mister Fred Phelps. I know some people who don't like old people. I can never really understand why. Fred Phelps is why. He is such a stereotypical old, angry, bible thumping bag of bones it'd be cartoonish if he wasn't an actual person. A man in his 70s, Phelps has had quite the charmed life: he's been arrested for numerous assualt cases, has reportedly abused his children, and started a church that has hellfire gospels galore, in turn creating a generation that will spawn more generations of angry, radical, religious fanatics. The pass times of the Westboro Baptist Church are picketing the funerals of soldiers, gays, and I guess these days nerds, hating America, and making me want to trip balls so as not to think about them. If this is what a proposed God digs, as they claim, I really want nothing to do with him and I will gladly go to hell for that. Phelps' daughter, whose name I didn't bother to remember or chose to forget, is considered the most hated woman in America. She explains with a homely, calm smile on her face that things like 9/11, Columbine, Virginia Tech, the wars, death, destruction, mayhem are "awesome." None of it registers as pain and suffering to this woman, it only means we are getting closer and closer to Armageddon and the Apocalypse. Her teenage daughters, who seem like pretty and ordinary young women, have said with teenage girl giggles how they've been taught and do hate America. Oh yes, I'm not lying when I say that Phelps has said that if anybody has gotten the way to practice religion right in the world (ya know, his way) it'd be the Taliban. Also when asked about the parts of the bible in which God displays his forgiveness and kindness, Phelps says outright that "whoever says that obviously has never read The Bible a day in their life" and I'm pretty sure went on to criticize them and a dozen other things. The insanity of the WBC is so great that they have recently protested Comic Con, where all the hardcore nerds flock every year, believing it to be a form of idol worship. The nerds of Comic Con protested back in response however. I mean it is honestly remarkable how fucking crazy this guy and his group is. They might as well put up a sign saying "RACISTS, FANATICS, ANGRY OLD FOLKS, COME ON IN AND HATE TOGETHER" because if history has taught us anything, really hateful people like to band together with other really hateful people to hate everything. Fuckin' conformist fucks! I mean I know I say there are people out there I want to die and I usually don't really mean it, but this time I am pretty sure I mean it. I really want these people to die. You hear stories about how God has a church cave in on his worshippers (so says Hannibal) but it's usually good religious people. Why can't the bad guys by smited?
PEOPLE LIKE THIS SHOULD NOT. BE. REAL! They are people I sometimes think don't deserve to breathe the same air as me. People that make me feel bad that I am a person. Isn't that a terrible thing to feel. Like you are almost ashamed to be cut from the same cloth as someone else. I'm no saint, but I like to think I'm a pretty good guy. But I'm also a conflicted and, admittedly, angry person. It might just be a period in my life. For all I know I could do a total 180, a C.S. Lewis if you will, in the future where I'm a non-descript, polite, straight laced accountant paying for my kids tuition, going to church, choosing self gratification as opposed to marital relations, living in a small town just a few miles from where I used to live, watching Lifetime TV movies and Two and a Half Men reruns, and wondering what happened to who I used to be. Maybe, but let's hope not. Right now I'm a cynical bastard, who feels and thinks too much, wants to do something that has meaning, wants to live in some other country for three years, who knows he will struggle and win some and lose some, who has a distinct personality people would remember, who would gladly make love to a wife or domestic partner or possibly a ONS (One Night Stand abbreviated), who watches HBO and Showtime, who likes pondering the mysteries of the universe instead of knowing, who is on a journey to figure out who he is. I'll try to be that person for as long as I can. I'm trying to be that way right now. But the way I am right now, I can't even kill a bug without saying "sorry," and feeling like shit afterward (Not extremely, I mean given the ant hills I crushed as a kid I should feel like Hitler but it's not like that). That being said, when I have the knowledge that people so horrifying can be in this world I just don't know how I can stand it. But I do stand it. I stand because we all have to stand it and if I couldn't I wouldn't make it in the world. I bottle up the hate I have for it, it and the bullshit that looks me in the eyes every day. And I'm gonna try to keep standing it until someday hopefully it doesn't bother me as much as it does now. I find it a lot easier to say "I'll try" than to say "I will." All I really can do is try. Win or lose, I'll still try.
[I watched Chaplin the other night. I've never seen an actual Charlie Chaplin movie but I've seen a scene from one that really spoke to me. And for anyone who would like to know how I, and how I would like for everyone to view things, I'd recommend you all look a Chaplin's speech from The Great Dictator. Really listen to it. I wish things could be that way.]
This has been a fight to fulfill a promise from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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