Monday, July 13, 2009

Dream Jobs, The Future, and You

"The future will be better tomorrow." - Dan Quayle

I saw in a recent news segment that people are handling the current economic crisis by doing the things they love. Guy loves playing video games, he says "hell, this has been my life for most of my pre adult years, why not this be my job." So he takes that to heart and becomes a game designer. He makes some $40,000 each year. So I guess the message this segment was trying to get across is in the future you're more likely to succeed if you do what you love for a living.

Maybe if you love fishing, become a professional fisherman. Catch fish, gut them and sell them to restaurants. Maybe get a show where you catch the biggest type of fish in a specific area. If you like ice cream be an ice cream man, hell start an ice cream company and outdue Blue Bunny or Custards. You like playing pretend gunfighting as a kid but figured you were to old for it now, guess what you aren't. You can still play gunfights...It just won't be pretend. Yeah join the military if you wanna shoot things. Or be a hitman. Or better yet be a hunter, where it's legal and you'll have the comfort of knowing that the animal can't possibly fight back...Dick. You like gossip and continuosly shoving your opinions down people's throats? Than be a blogger like me or that other douchebag...Perez Hilton. Oh heavens, how I hate that hypocritical little slut. You must be passionate about something and apparently this will help you in the future working world. Seeing as how everyone's passionate about sex, I'd say the prostitution and rape rate will be increasing more and more if this catches on in years to come. God bless America.

I would recommend choosing an occupation that pays generously but not overly and stick with it until you find something even better or they realize they made a mistake hiring you. That will happen don't lie to yourself. No one can deny that things are pretty bad right now, and if there is a position take it and don't cop out like a little bitch and whine "I would if it weren't for them damned immigrants!" I mean honestly, I've never heard of this many people complaining that someone else is doing their work for them. And don't lie to yourself and say that in these times you wouldn't sell your fellow man down the river to feed your family because that's what immigrants and anyone else whose gotta eat would do unless you have this unbreakable code of honor (which, knowing Americans, is unlikely.)

Things have been bad, they didn't just get bad. The assholes from the last decade have left a serious pile of shit for the new guys to clean up. But it will nevertheless get cleaned and things will look up for us. Jobs will open, the war will cease, hell gas prices may even be fair. The sun always shines and in the next few years I think it might shine as bright as it did at the dawn of this country. We are no doubt the most powerful country in the world, and that's pretty hard title to lose as fast as they say.

So in closing stand up straight, eat your vegetables, stay in school, don't do too many drugs, or bang too many people and you might just catch a break.

This has been a some opinionated news from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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