"A well executed blog campaign is not rocket science. It is, however, an act of love. That's what gets in the way for some people. Love is scary stuff." - Hugh McLeod
I don't know who Hugh McLeod is but dammit I needed a quote on blogging from somebody. This post will state simply, well mostly simply, why I do what I do. And what I do is blog obviously. I like getting my opinions out like most people, so what better way I thought. But as you probably suspected it isn't that simple. Kick back and read what may soon be the number one post skipped in my blog: A Look back at Your Modest Guru.
I won't tell you my real name 1) because you probably already know it and 2) because I believe in anonimity and would not want some crazy person who disagreed with me to discover my whereabouts and unload a pistol magazine into my skull. That does happen these days, but I'm sure it's President Obama's fault (sarcastic tone). Moving on, I have for a long time wanted to be a writer. It's my dream career, writing a book or writing and directing films. I have tried my hand at screenplays, short stories, poetry, and songs and have racked up some small amount of talent (if only I could find someone who would take the time to read them). However, I also had an interest in being an essayist, which means pretty much writing long essays about everyday issues through my eyes or my own personal thoughts and views. Luckily my mother introduced me to BLOGS (god I probably wouldn't even have realized the earth was round if not for her and...That's pretty sad). This site was just what I needed. A place to continually vent my frustrations, opinions, thoughts, arguements and angst out into writing. It is somewhat relieving. That is a sadness as well, that as an American I feel all of that just compacted poorly into my mind, slipping through the cracks. Oh well, I may not be able to let it all out because even if I let people know it is still with me always and you knowing how I feel doesn't make me feel any different. Unfortunately, as of late I believe there are few people actually coming to this blog and I have only one sole subscriber. By the time a solid number of people actually read this post there will more than likely be about fifty more above it. Oh well, it's not really about you reading my posts but about me posting them to, again, vent my thoughts.
There are few people outside of my close family that I can talk to about some the things I rant about on this blog so that is one thing helpful about this. Some people either won't understand or they will totally bash me and contradict me to no end and being the peaceful little bastard I am I don't want to do that with people I'd more or less like to be cool with. Some people just can't accept good old fashioned constitutional rights. Take it all away for a few days and I guaren-goddamn-tee they'd appreciate it a helluva lot more. Opinions are important and work out quite well within blogs because frankly anyone anywhere can agree or disagree with you without no real reprecussions. I mean you're not face to face with them, so all it does is give you a clear idea of how many people think like you do and how many people do not. Pretty nifty, if you ask me. Hells to the yeah.
So to the very, very, very, very, very few people who read this commentary on all things inconsistant, I thank you a million times over for reading and continuing to do so as Your Modest Guru will more than likely be doing this for many years of his life when he should be doing more important things like getting an education or finding work. Although it is up to you to help build my fanbase (if you could call it that) and gain me more attention. Because as you may not have known I am an advertising whore with a crave for attention. No not really, but some more readers would be rather delightful. I appreciate the readers who follow me entranced or do so out of boredom or feel I should be a politician or crave a gallous sense of humour or the long ass segments that I am even currently doing right now or just understand what the hell it may be I'm trying to get across thank you for doing so and continue to do so even if you're parents tell you not to (you may need to kill them to maintain your dedication to the Guru). And to the people who think I'm full of shit and should shut my hole permanently...Sigh...You're gonna make me do something horrible and that is pull a Bill O'Reilly Moment (according any thesuarus, this phrase technically means a brutal episode in which the thoughts Bill O'Reilly has while on the air of his Fox News show break loose and are inflicted on the helpless)..."BLOW ME YOU HEATHEN SONSABITCHES!!! 'ME SHUT UP', YOU SHUT UP!!! I'M RIGHT!!! YOU'RE WRONG!!! ME: RIGHT, YOU: WRONG!!! IT MAKES SO MUCH FUCKIN SENSE HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M EXERCISING MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH BITCH!!! THAT MAKES ME A PROPHET!!! WHAT NOW?!!! LISTEN TO ME OBEY ME DO AS I COMMAND FLS4FHRRFE8RT15KAR16ACVASD23XRTR;TRDFHR;42MWAHAHAHAHA!!! "
I'm sorry about that I know it was painful. God knows it was painful. Obviously that was pure humour and I don't think like that. It was merely a chance to give a taste of the horror that exists within the mind of media personality Bill O'Reilly...My god...Uh, anyway to all of the haters feel free to think of me and my views as you wish but before you make that decision take the time to consider those views before you pass judgement on me. Your Modest Guru is only a mousy American who thinks a little too much. Still you are the people who in all reality tell me how I can do what I do better and I must thank you for that and for the taking the time to at least read some passages from my blog.
This has been a heads up from Your Modest Guru about Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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