"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." - Leonardo da Vinci
The title is ambiguous, I know and I don't care. It suits this post. For this post is about none other than the American treasure known as Jim Jones. Jones was a man of fate who gathered the many, many totally willful people of his church into South America where they formed a cute little society where people for a long time existed in an orderly, happy environment that was full of strict rules, no leaving, frequent beatings of the insolent, and eventually murder and mass suicide! Sounds like total fun right?...You know come to think it Jim Jones was kind of strange and so were the people following him. Actually come to think of it, Jim Jones was a fucking maniac who turned others into maniacs. No, no, no, don't lock your doors, there's no need for he too died long ago on the border between the 70s and 80s. Then again, several other people similar to Jones are still alive and some even loose. So yeah it probably would be best to lock your doors.
But seriously, Jim Jones a religious fanatic who started out as a faith healer and gained wide praise from many of the little people of the practice. Some would even give up their original practice in favor of Jones' own freakishly unsettling brand of religion. But honestly I've gotta say who would trust a man who always wears aviators, sweats profusely, expresses an unpredictable, and laughs like a rabid hyena cackles. Anyway this new form of sunday services soon led to Jimmy Giggles taking all of his followers down into Guyana of South America where he set up JonesTown, a place of solitude for him and his people. Jimmy gets a little ahead of himself while in the midst of this power trip and begins becoming threatening anyone who acts like a sensible human being and sicks the rest of the herd on them. Suicide practice was not uncommon, and unquestioned. Inevitably though, people did leave and inform the press of what was going on at JonesTown. This led to an investigation that inevitably brought people to JonesTown without Jonesy's knowledge and, when others wished to leave, he soon went insane and attempted to kill the newcomers. He only succeeded in killing half of the team before deciding that he'd had his fun and scrap the entire project. Though he wouldn't be able to come back to it due to the fact that within the next half hour the entire population of JonesTown who stayed loyal to Jones were killed. Men, women, children, families, loners, elderly. All dead, due to lethally poisoned kool aid they all drank. It was one of the worst, if not THE worst case of American mass suicide.
So readers what is your impression of Jimmy so far:
A. Straight up gentleman and American Hero.
B. Flawed but otherwise exceptional
C. Batshit crazy
D. Generic Jim Jones Hyena Cackle
Comment back with your answer, but remember if you picked anything other than C you are either an irritable prick or a psychopath who is no better than Jim Jones himself. You are a disgrace to your fellow man and should be hung from a tree by your thumbs. If you did pick C you are either a genius, moderately intelligent, dumb but moral, or an otherwise sane human being.
You know I love a little senseless violence in the form of entertainment (preferrably a Bruce Willis movie). I like it to involve explosions, guns, cars, women, suspense, intensity, and little CGI. Then it will be clear that it is pure fun and fantasy. But though when people have gone so far off from common sense that they actually believe that killing themselves and their children is the right thing to do, that's when you taste reality and it tastes sick and disturbing. Honestly, these people must have really been driven insane to do this because I don't even think a Christian would kill their kid if their pastor said that God asked them to. These people believed in Jones and what Jones said more than they believed in love or life and when that happens you better believe things will explode.
The fact is Jim Jones is prime example of the gullibility of humans. If we are confused or lost or just wanna believe something by god we will. You listen to someone long enough and aren't told any different you will believe him. A former JonesTown member lucky enought to leave before the self eradication claimed that the people there, the followers were good and decent people of faith. I may be inclined to agree about them being good and decent but there faith was wrong. Any faith that bottoms out with you slitting your child's throat is wrong. The people who listened to Jones entranced with his sermons and shit probably never once actually looked at him to try to notice something about him that did not have to do with said sermons. The dedicated people, if some of them did they probably didn't want to believe it. It would have ruined the illusion they made for themselves. People love illusion. The illusion of grandeur I'm sure they saw in him when he was up at the mic. We can't follow blindly is all I am saying. We need to look closer at people because, shameful to say, not all people are good.
In closing Jim Jones can burn in hell forever and my condolences go out to the people who lost loved ones at JonesTown.
This has been my thoughts on a tragic tale from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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