"What is fame? The advantage of being known by people of whom you yourself know little, and for whom you care as little." - Lord Byron
People have always had fun watching the well off. The famous. It can be actors, good or bad. It can be musicians, talented or just plain horrible. It can be controversial heiresses, who really have no business hogging the limelight. Whatever it is, we love their lives. Why? Because we so obviously despise our own. I mean seriously, why would people constantly observe these people, talk about these people and waste time thinking about these people if you didn't secretly strive to be like them instead of, I don't know, like yourselves. I can't blame them, I do it myself not to be too hypocritical. It is one of the things humans do the best: we covet. We watch TV and we see the rich and famous and we covet them endlessly "oh if only". As kids in this generation we don't wanna be astronauts, we want to be academy award winners, we wanna be rock stars or models or big business bureaucrats. We all believe someday we are gonna make a million dollars for a year's work. "Sure, I can be like them." NOT. You know why these dreams and big money aspirations go sour more often than not? It's because you spent far too much watching the people you wanted to be like. We have no initiative to set out and accomplish what needs to be accomplished for our dreams. Not all but some. Maybe most. I digress.
A lot of the guys in my school their big aspirations that will set them for life are truly remarkable. Yeah I always wanted to grow up to become the town mechanic, why would I wanna leave. Or maybe I'd aim big and join the army, hopefully I'll get shot and get more than ten government checks coming once a month. Hallelujah, horray for the American Dream!!! It's not to say others have at least spirited aspirations: some want to be doctors, and of course actors and actresses. I know, no one knows what they want to be when they grow up. I'm still not even quite sure my plans are gonna bottom out the way I want them to. The way this economy is going I'll be serving up whopper value meals at Burger King while my real dream collects dust in the deepest part of my mind.
I like talking about celebrities, but I really don't like to bash them, except the ones who are just down right despicable. I bad mouth Miley Cyrus when really she's not a bad person whatsoever, I just hate all the hype. But you get people who bitch about Tom Cruise, great actor, funny guy, family man. But of course he's a scientologist and he had the audacity to express (gasp) LOVE for his wife Katie Holmes on Oprah, a show where women simultaneously scream like rowdy fucking monkeys as soon as the woman opens her mouth. Shame on you Tom, fucking shame on you!!! People are gonna have to face the fact that scientology is a religion. It ain't goin anywhere. The celebrities will not let it die. Just like survivors of the last few generations and way further back will not let christianity die. Or the media drama queens, such as Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Britney Spears. Britney Spears. It was funny at first but after awhile it was just depressing. Yeah she's a fuck up, and she fucked up a lot. But I can take a guess why: because the media would not leave her alone while at the same time wondering what the hell provokes her to continuously fuck up. Now, when I guess the hammer hitting them over the head was big enough, they've kept her pretty much out of the picture but not out of the crosshairs. Who the hell knows, maybe she can screw herself over without the help of the media or Kevin Federline.
Even moreso in death are celebrities a hot topic. Look at Michael Jackson. I mean seriously, his will is read on national television when probably ten bombings are going on in Iraq. People are killing themselves because a world without MJ is too painful. Or the fortune costing memorial in Los Angeles. I mean I loves me some Michael Jackson too but come on. It's not like Christ died...again. Even the family of Farrah Fawcett are somewhat grateful for the King of Pop's passing because of how it drew away the media coverage of her funeral. "Thanks Michael, you couldn't have died at a better time." I think his death might even be overshadowing the death of Walter Cronkite.
I think the reason for all of this pointless banter and bad mouthing of our favorite people originates from our love of chaos. That is my honest opinion. The world loves chaos. Earth will never be a willing utopia. We need murder, sex, lies, and celebrites apart from politics. And we need the media to chuck it at us in a hail of entertainment shows like Access Hollywood, E news, Fox (which I highly recommend if you want celebrity gossip over real news stories) and just about every other news channel that ought to be talking about important things. I mean CNN was raving about Michael Jackson for like two weeks. While consciously we adore some of these people, subconsciously our poorer selves want bad things to happen to them so we can be like "Now you know what it's like to be me, minus the awesome luxuries and fine girlfriend!"
This has been a complaint of bullshit from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.
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