Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama: respectful and PROUD OF IT

"Never gonna stop, yeah, never gonna stop." - Rob Zombie

The most recent bashing of Obama's integrity comes in the form of, of all things, a sign of respect to foreign neighbors. In greeting the Japanese Emperor and his wife, Barack Obama gave the cultural bow as I thought would have been expected. But no. The media has something else to critique Barack Obama about. He is being insulted for respecting a person's culture, not just a person but the Emperor of Japan. That is someone you pull out all stops for just like he would do for the American President himself I'm sure if on our soil.

It's just another distraction, just something else to bitch about. I think the bad ass US Representative Alan Grayson made it perfectly and honestly clear that whatever Obama does is going to be received negatively, be it "ending world hunger" or "building world peace". I guess it's the way hardcore Christianists believe will happen to nonbelievers: you could save the world ten times over and still go to hell. When it comes to Obama these days it's you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. That is an unacceptable way to treat the President of the United States. Sure I hated the hell out of George Bush but I did not beat the piss out of everything he did, I mean there was a small eight percent of things he might've done right.

People are stupid. I know that is a pretty plain and kind of juvenile way of putting it but it's true. Most people these days can't find actual things to get angry about. It's all bullshit things that even the least clever person in the world wouldn't use as comeback lines. Now that shit's pathetic.

Please god, don't let people get any dumber as the years go by.

This has been another case of American idiocy, and more to come from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.