Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rush Limbaugh...How I loathe thee

"Rush Limbaugh. A man. A legend. A way of life." - Rush Limbaugh

If you don't hate him after that, then you kind of have to read this. I've been building up the courage to do a Rush Limbaugh post for some time now. That's not to say I'm afraid of Rush Limbaugh (that is when he isn't popping pills), I just kind of cringe to think about him let alone write a blog post about him.

Where do we start? Hmm... First off he's an asshole. So there you go. That just kind of segues into everything else I've got to say. For those of you lucky enough not to know, Rush Limbaugh is one of the top political radio personalities in America. For the mindless conservative elite that is. Rush is the disgusting face of the conservative media's reign over those drones out there in the so called land of the free. If you're not conservative or if you don't agree with him you're not American he says primarily. Rush could be a reference when looking up the word "bias". Recently he has been known for his nonstop attacks on the current President Barack Obama, calling him Halfrican American and claiming that his campaign success is based on Affrimative Action (a word Limbaugh uses frequently when discussing "them coloreds"). I'll go into his protruding racism in a minute, but first I'll tell you about this one particular stunt he pulled during the last Presidential Election. In a movement called Operation Chaos, a movement designed specifically to spite the Democratic Party, our last patriot Rush Limbaugh urged his listeners to vote for whichever campaign is losing the most...Noooo, he's not biased at all.

Now on to claims of racism. In one day alone, I have read ten Rush rants that sound pretty damn demeaning to our darker American friends. I despise racism, I despise racists even more. Sometimes I try to see past it when the racist has other redeeming qualities and isn't so damn crazy about it. Unsurprisingly Rush Limbaugh is not one of those people. Here's a man who describes the time of slavery as "safer", who says that all composite pictures of serial killers look like Al Sharpton (another of his black enemies), and that the African Americans amount to 12 percent of the population and goes on to say "who the hell cares" about them. Asshole, anyone?

Oh yes and let's not forget his over the top sadism. You know the kind of massive annihilate everyone not white and rich and agrees with me code that every other conservative media personality has adopted since 9/11. He describes the torture of Iraqi prisoners in places like Guantanomo Bay as a sort of hazing and a way to let off steam and "fun" for the torturous soldiers. What is wrong with this guy? Why does the Right Wing stick up for him? Some Republican Party members are even disgusted with him, but if they dare breathe a word of disdain toward him he's on the whole party like a wildebeast and then the higher ups in the party force an apology. He's a fucking radio personality! You are politicians! Screw his reign over listeners, you have the power. Fuck, Limbaugh pisses me off so much that I've started to show sympathy for Republicans. God he makes me sick!

Oh but let's not forget his problems, you know, aside from his opinions. He is a total hypocrite, claiming that "too many whites are getting away with drug use" and so on and so bullshit, when in fact Limmy finally became a kite with the body full of hot air and prescription drugs. And did he go high? Oh yeah. Let's not forget that awkward moment at CPAC when, during a speech, Rush seemed to be suffering from uncontrollable bouncing. Seriously, watch the video. The fat bastard becomes a fucking bobble head. I know Keith Olbermann used that already, but I just couldn't resist. Also what are these claims that the American mainstream media is biased liberally. Fox News is one of the most powerful media industries in the country and they're even crazier than you as far as Right Wing states of mind go. It's just like the Right complaining about the Left having Hollywood in their pockets. Seriously? You're saying this after having several actor politicians in your pockets, one of which was a goddamn president. And as a side note, has anyone noticed that when he speaks he tries so sound as epic as possible. Like he were reading the ten commandments, or mimicking General Patton. When I hear him speak, I think of that famous scene from Network with Ned Beatty getting all furious. "YOU HAVE MEDDLED WITH THE PRIMAL FORCES OF NATURE!!!" They even look alike, except Ned Beatty looks presentable.

And you know what I could go on, but it just makes me too angry. Rush Limbaugh is hardly a man. Rush Limbaugh's legend is infamous at best. Rush Limbaugh is not a way of life, it's a way of self destruction that far too many people are following. In closing, Rush Limbaugh can blow me.

This has been a scary camp fire story from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

PS - sorry if it's been awhile.

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