Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post 9/

"When it rains, it pours."

Don't think I didn't have plans to blog this week. I had a whole laundry list of shit that needed to be said. But it ultimately came to a point where I knew it was meaningless. I mean what was I going to say? Is there anything that I could have said that someone else hasn't already said; any new spin that I could put on this? No. Yesterday was 9/11 and like a holiday it comes and goes once a year and leaves us exhausted in some way.

Also, I don't think it's any surprise what I thought about the whole Koran book burning party down in Gainesville. Just another fucked up situation in a fucked up mess of them. I mean news isn't even news anymore. It's a circus. All it is is real facts glossed over to be juicy and entertaining. Yeah, I don't care what anyone says, the news is purely for entertainment. What do you think I'm doing? I'm mixing irony, sarcasm, and sometimes straight comedy with real news for your entertainment when really I should just be supplying facts. No actually a guy like me shouldn't be reporting the news, because I'm terrible at it. If you are on the news or supplying the news you are a celebrity. All of these people are just celebrities and are tools to get people talking. Terry Jones? Who the fuck is he? Nobody. Sarah Palin? Did you honestly even know who she was before 2008? Charles Manson? For some: a monster, for a freakishly large amount: a hero, because the bad guys are celebrities too. Logan Cox? Who? These people are not important at all! Celebrities who are not celebrities, people who have found fame, some just an inkling of fame, and revel in it. And now I'm ranting. What am I doing here?

I could go into the politics of Terry Jones' little limelight moment. How what was originally just a good ol' southern book burning turned into a threat from Jones so the New York mosque wouldn't be built. How there were numerous lies that the Imam conceded to Jones' will, how the book burning would be called off or the mosque would be called off. I honestly went from intrigued, to disgusted, to just completely uninterested in Jones, the mosque, and 9/11. I am actually going to try from now on to not make a big deal of 9/11 when it is brought up. I will do it out of respect for those who died. Those people who have been used, twisted, with families victimized and berated, and exist now as weapon for a Left Wing or a Right Wing. It's a tragedy these people, me included, drag into the circus far too often. They died, it happened. What more do I need to say?

I can remember, being home schooled at the time, my confusion at my mother's shock. I was six days away from being eight. I saw the smoking buildings, which honestly I'd never heard of, and thought it was a plane crash. I'd been even more against the news back then so I really didn't know what was going on. When the second plane hit, my mom was very scared and because of that I was very worried. That's what I know about that day. And ever since then, I've lived in this world of politics, of media mayhem, of the blurring line of good and evil, of growing cynicism and anger, and in this world I can't breathe. I know I live here with you. And I know I can never get away. This is life, laying bloody in the gutter alone, yet convinced that everything is going to be okay. And we all lay there with it, hoping that its not too late and never knowing if it is or isn't.

The only question is: did you really need me to tell you this?

This is Your Modest Guru, signing off for awhile now.

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