Monday, February 8, 2010

The Few, The Proud, The Abusive

"You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy." - Charles Manson

These days I am very thankful for the internet. Seeing as how I don't have enough initiative to read a newspaper, I go on Youtube. After just watching the latest episode of Sxephil with Phillip Defranco, whom I have watched for at least three years, he spoke of a former military man's own brand of punishment for his child.

Now not all of the facts are known to me, but the few that I have will suffice. What happened was this former soldier's four year-old daughter was practicing her ABCs and couldn't quite get it right. Yeah I struggled on that for awhile myself, I'm sure we all had at that age. But then again my dad never fucking WATERBOARDED me when I got it wrong. That's right, this soldier of our army waterboarded his four year old child for messing up on the alphabet. Joshua Tabor, the deranged soldier and abusive father in question, used the CIA torture method because he was so gosh darned frustrated with his kid and also because he knew she was scared of water. Even more bewildering about this whole thing is that the man gained custody of the girl just weeks earlier. He is currently awaiting trial and is not allowed to see his daughter until further notice. Though personally I hope he never comes near that kid again.

How did he in any way think he was able to take care of this child? How did he in any way think he was a good father? I agree with Defranco about how people these days are just so fucked in the head. I mean, seriously, the people doing reasonable, sensible things pale in comparison to the people doing stupid and insane things. I just don't understand how someone could do something like this. Of course this isn't even on par with the incident a few years ago in which a young man raped his eight day old daughter...I will repeat: raped his eight day old daughter. This is a sick world we live in.

Even stranger is how we can sit back and say with utter conviction that we live in the greatest country on earth. My opinion: there is no such thing. Our waterboarding incident here is no different than the middle eastern girl receiving over ninety lashes for carrying a cell phone, and the incestuous baby rape is just as sick as that twisted Austrian man's imprisoned inbred family. It's just a sick world we're living in. A sick world!

But of course it is not without its beauties. One cannot deny the good things in life. Still the good that we have will always be tainted by the bad. Bad, like using torture as a substitute for punishment of a little girl. That kind of bad. The world is not a terrible place. I would classify it as bittersweet. Hopefully no more of this sick shit happens.

This has been an update on the madness from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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