Sunday, February 21, 2010

Palin = wailin'

"As soon as you realize everything's a joke, being a comedian is the only thing that makes sense." - The Comedian

I realize I should have used that quote in darker context but I needed something and Watchmen is fair game for good lines.

Alright, as you may have been able to tell from previous posts, I'm not that crazy about modern day Republicans. That's not to say I'm in love with Democrats either. The way I see it these days Democrats are spineless, rightfully worrisome politicians who can't stop complaining about things they don't wanna take care of themselves; and Republicans are self righteous, selfish politicians who could care less about the good will of anything that doesn't contribute to their plans. So yeah, if politics stays this bad we're all going to hell real soon.

But the most popular highlight of backward, ignorant, insulting political stupidity comes from our official Lady of the People: Sarah Palin. You will recall in what must have been one of my first blog posts, titled A Sidenote of Bullshit, I expressed my deep thankfulness that Palin was apparantly leaving politics and going off trying to be Oprah 2.0. This didn't pan out and now it seems she's causing havoc in America again. I will go over the two main issues we've had with her recently.

1. The Hand Note Session:
What better way to mock President Obama reading a teleprompter than to use the next best thing. Notes written down on your palm. I'm sure Sarah didn't think she would look hypocritical by reading signs on her hand but then again I'm also sure she didn't think anyone would catch her reading them. What really bothers me is that she didn't write down small insignificant things to remark on but things like "Energy", "Tax Cuts (Marked out) I mean Budget Cuts", and "Lift American Spirit." I mean, you'd think those are things you would want to commit to memory yourself. Unless of course Palin does find those issues to be small and insignificant things to remark on. In which case, ladies and gentleman I introduce to you your 2012 Presidential candidate. God have mercy on us all.

2. Family Guy Did Not Just Say That:
You might remember that Sarah Palin's infant son, Trig (haha, nice name), has Down Syndrome. Well on a recent episode of Family Guy, a very left wing show, a main character Chris finally got up the courage to ask out his high school crush. Coincidentally, this crush turned out to be a girl with Down Syndrome. When Chris asked this girl about herself she said "My father is an accountant and my mother is the former governor of Alaska." Now that was funny, I'd wager even Jenny Macarthy laughed at that. Oh but Palin was furious that a comedy show would be so insulting. You could expect low blows from a politician like herself but not from a dark comedy television show whose main supply of jokes are more often than not politically based. This more than anything shows how much Sarah Palin cares for her child, the same Down Syndrome baby she flaunted for the public during her 2008 campaign as well as her teenage single mother daughter. Exploitation from inside the family is one thing but a joke from Family Guy is a whole 'nother. Oh but I kid. I mean, come on Sarah you can't take it too seriously. I mean, the joke was used in satire. You yourself said that things like that can be done in satire just a few days before that episode aired. You remember that right, when you said Rush Limbaugh used the word "retard" in satire so it was okay? Except this time, the situation actually was satirical, very different from Rush Limbaugh unsatirically calling people retards. I don't think there's anywhere left for me to label you a hypocrite so I'll just call you satire of course.

In all seriousness though, Sarah Palin is just stupid. There hasn't been one as dumb as her since my former english teacher's ex-boyfriend, Dan Quayle. I really hate when people label her as the traditional American woman or some shit like that, because I really did give more credit to the traditional American woman. She is just terrible and she will be eaten alive by both the Left and Right if she even thinks about running for President in 2012. No one wants to deal with her. I don't want to deal with her! I can't imagine four or even eight years of another naive, idiotic so called down home American as president. We've already had one George W. Bush. Oh yeah, and before I sign off take notice of how Palin criticises Obama's administration and their so called "hopey changey thing". What the hell does that tell you people about Palin?

This been a return to the bullshit from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading...jesus!

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