Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fuck the Pohlice

"...If you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

The stereotype that police officers around the world regularly abuse power has not deteriorated over the years. You give a man weapons and a badge and turn him loose on the world, you have to expect that just maybe the man will have a higher opinion of himself. America has become somewhat infamous for it's high level of police brutality within the last few decades. Some may recall the The Watts Riots of '65 and The Los Angeles Riots of '62. Many believe the riots in Watts were brought on by a boiling point of people of different race enduring police brutality. The latter definitely, as it was ignited by the beating of Rodney King, an African American man beaten by multiple police officers.

My generation is not without its share of this kind of injustice. Many remember the college kid who was brutally, unnecessarily, and illegally tasered by police officers, who were clearly conservative, for asking former Presidential candidate legitimate but nonetheless liberal questions at a conference. "DON'T TASE ME, BRO!" Yeah that thing. It didn't stop there either, we've got all sorts of situations these days involving innocent and clearly non-violent people getting physically assualted by cops. The tasing penalty is reserved for anyone, from insolent five year-olds to misunderstood fifty-seven year-old school teachers. So yeah, apparently if you don't listen to a cop there's no rules and regulations, it's just taser time. God bless America.

Of course I'm not saying all cops are powertripping loose cannons, but there is this never-ending element of control and power that some people with the badge seem to desire. You know who else have those kinds of elements: rapists. Come on officers, the motto is "to serve and protect" so hop fucking to it. To all the good guys out there, keep the streets safe, even from your police bretheren. Help take a bite out of crime... and corruption.

This has been a slightly more modest Modest PSA from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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