Monday, June 22, 2009

The Importance of Being Video

"A good film is when the price of dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

People love movies. It's a fact. But when there is not a Blockbuster in sight people have for a long time looked to rent videos. This has gone on for years. I had to do it, I was born in the '90s. My main source of video or DVD rental was from a local hardware store that made it's income more from movies than tools. It was a routine thing for years, until it was said "LET THERE BE NETFLIX" and there was.

Netflix, the movie rental service, sprung up over night and pretty soon everyone was into it. I'm a four year customer. This whole post was originally going to be about Netflix and how the video stores are become obsolete, but now I've decided to pick on DVD's which is the only thing Netflix produces to the public.

Now there are a lot of good things to say about DVD's and many people like them. It is a lot better to hit menu than go to your favorite scene or go to the special features and see how everything was done for your movie. But still I was born with VHS and will probably always love VHS. VHS primarily is more durable, you leave it out, dust won't really matter. If you drop nothing really happens unless your dropping it over and over on hard cement. And if by accident you do break more than likely you can just roll the film back in and it should work. A DVD on the other hand leave it out and dust will reduce it to shit. You drop it and it will crack and it skips more than rocks. After that you can't roll anything in, it's done for and you have to buy a new one. A lot of my DVD's don't last five years without turning into a tiltaworld, my videos on the otherhand have lasted for almost twenty years and still work great.

Sadly VHS won't be around for much longer as they are already beginning to stop making them. You'll notice now that they aren't saying "Coming soon to video and DVD" but "Coming soon to DVD and blue ray". Quality is good, but not if it's fragile as a goddamn piece of crystal glass. I'm gonna have to learn to deal, but as I've said before: just because that's the way it is doesn't mean I have to like it.

This has been a true statement from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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