Tuesday, June 9, 2009

When Fun Died

"Get busy livin, or get busy dyin."
- Andy Dufresne

It's kinda sad when you go to school, you've accepted the fact that it's more than likely going to be a very boring and terrible day and you know what to expect only to have the bastards blind side you with some kind of activity. An activity the brass thinks will be fun and informative all in one package.

It doesn't matter what it is. One way or another this is going to make your day even worse. The days when you are begging to be constricted to a class room are the ones I hate the most. The teachers like to lie to the parents, the kids and, sometimes, themselves when they claim that school is fun. You'll never find an adult more divorced from his youth than in an educator. How do I know this? Because an educator doesn't know what fun is. A day they claim is dedicated to fun really shouldn't be regulated to being confined to a dark gym, sitting on metal bleachers that leave a sting on your ass for the rest of the day, all to watch a "conform and do right" video that features cliched or bad acting. I esspecially love the "really fun days" when we get the gym and the ass stinging bleachers but with a motivational speaker who tries to make an impression on us by telling the tale of how he/she rose up from a disturbing and impoverished life to be a motivational speaker. According to the school higher ups, nothing says fun like the horrifying life stories of former druggies and slum dwellers. It's not that I don't sympathize with them or see where they are coming from but what is the message: if you clean up after spending your teenage years dropping acid, getting shot by hooker mom, and escaping the clutches of sexual predator relatives you will become successful? Here's a new subject for school: common sense and logic 101.

I know they mean well, but the fact is that they should make an effort. If the school corporation is to do something such as this they should not label it under the category of fun. I didn't have fun I was depressed. It's like Pennywise from "It", the clown that lured kids in with fun balloons and clown gimmicks and everything only to scare the shit out of them and take their souls. My advice to the schools would be to just stick to letting us free to roam around the outside or the gym and giving us some sports balls to play with. There's a dozen ways to have fun with just that. More than The Dark Gym of Broken Dreams. I don't think I've ever felt it was a teacher's place to make school fun, I leave that to the kids. The prisoners like me.

This has been an educational moment from Your Modest Guru. Thanks for reading.

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